chain diagram; transient process; computer modelling; Simulink; equivalent circuit; air and cable lines.Abstract
The article analyzes the modes of operation of both homogeneous and non-homogeneous chain circuits (NCC), which are universal mathematical and physical models of many devices, including models of overhead power lines stretched in high-mountain conditions with difficult terrain and dynamically changing weather conditions. Their replacement schemes are presented as inhomogeneous chain. It is noted that single-phase high-voltage power cables with XLPE insulation, where water treeings can sprout in certain areas of the volume during long-term operation, their replacement circuits are also presented as NCS. It is assumed that the parameters of all NCC links can be dependent on their number and on time. Taking into account the above, the paper posed the problem of analyzing transient processes in heterogeneous chain circuits based on their computer models in order to identify inhomogeneities in the distributed parameters of overhead power transmission lines, represented by an inhomogeneous chain circuit. This problem is solved on the basis of a block diagram developed in the Simulink environment. The results of a numerical experiment are presented.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Эралиева Г.Ш., Абдыбаева Ж.К., Асан уулу А., Суюнтбекова Н.А.
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