геотехнический мониторинг, интеллектуальная система мониторинга, обработка данных, сбор данных, анализ данных, хранение данных.Abstract
This paper is devoted to the development of a concept of highly reliable and scalable monitoring systems that could effectively prevent geotechnical risks in Kyrgyzstan, a country characterized by high levels of seismic activity. The importance of systematic monitoring of various environmental aspects, such as vibration, temperature, humidity, and pressure, is emphasized. This is necessary for prompt response to potential threats and for effective prevention of emergency situations that may arise as a result of natural and man-made changes. The role of advanced information technologies, sensor devices, and artificial intelligence methods in creating monitoring systems that can significantly improve the level of safety and sustainability of critical infrastructure facilities is considered. The discussion also covers current challenges and development prospects in this direction, including issues of analysis and integration of collected data, which ultimately contributes to improving the availability and efficiency of monitoring systems. This makes them more applicable to real operating conditions, thereby ensuring reliable functioning of the system in response to dynamically changing environmental conditions. It is emphasized that in order to achieve maximum efficiency of monitoring systems, it is necessary to take into account both the technical aspects of data collection and processing, and methodological approaches to their analysis. This requires the use of an integrated approach, which includes the development and implementation of the latest technological solutions capable of ensuring sufficient flexibility and adaptability of the system to the variability of natural and man-made risk factors.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Сергей Николаевич Верзунов; М.С. Макаров, К.А. Жолдошбаев
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