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Author Guidelines

You must use the styles from the file below:


The title of the article, the surnames of the authors, abstract and Keywords are submitted by the author in Russian (at the beginning of the article), and in a separate file - in Kyrgyz and English in electronic form and in the form of a printout. The text of the article should be printed on one side of a sheet of A4 white paper (210 × 297 mm) on an inkjet or laser printer with 1 line spacing, automatic hyphenation. Margins: top, bottom left and right - 20 mm. (Working area 160 × 247 mm). Paragraph indentation - 10 mm. Authors' names, TITLE, abstract (100-250 words) and Key words (5-10 words) are printed with an indentation of 20 mm. The distance between the specified elements - 1 extra. spacing. Type the text with a text editor Microsoft Word. Fonts: Times Roman Cyr, Symbol, special mathematical symbols. Font sizes: TITLE is printed in capital letters, bold - 14 pt without hyphenation, main text and Key words - 12 pt, annotation - 10 pt, formulas - 12 pt. Formulas are placed in the center of the text, formula numbers should be pressed to the right edge of the text. Tables and figures should be embedded in the text of the article; the use of photocopies is not allowed. Tables and figures should be named and numbered. The caption to the table is printed above the table, and the caption to the figure is below it. References to literature are numbered sequentially, in the order of their citation, and are enclosed in square brackets. The names of authors, academic degree, place of work of authors and Literature are printed in italics, font size - 12 Fri The last page of the article must be filled with text at least 75%. The number of authors is no more than 4 The volume of the article must be at least 5 and no more than 10 pages.
• annotation,
• Keywords,
• introduction,
• formulation of the problem or task,
• the necessary theory on the topic,
• your proposed solution and its theoretical justification,
• practical research and conclusions,
• conclusion,
• thanks,
• bibliography.
Required structural elements are in bold. The rest of the structural elements are included in the article at the discretion of the author. To place the articles of the journal in the electronic library elibrary and to correctly calculate the impact factor of the article, each author must submit his metadata to the editorial office of the journal.

Article metadata requirements
1. Information about the author. surname, name, patronymic of all authors in full (in Russian, Kyrgyz and English); b. the full name of the organization - the place of work of each author in the nominative case, country, city (in Russian, Kyrgyz and English). If all authors of the article work in one institution, it is possible not to indicate the place of work of each author separately; c. each author's email address;
d. correspondent postal address and telephone number for contacts with the authors of the article (1 for all authors is possible).
e. AuthorId on the site of each author.
2. Title of the article, Surname I.O. Authors and abstract In Russian, Kyrgyz and English.
3. Keywords Key words or phrases are separated from each other by semicolons. Keywords are given in Russian, Kyrgyz and English.
4. Subject heading (code). Be sure to specify the UDC5 code. Literature
5. References and / or lists of referenced literature should be drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.0.5-2008 “Bibliographic reference. General requirements and compilation rules ”(see examples).

The materials of the article must be accompanied by an examination certificate and a review (not by IMA employees) from a specialist with a scientific degree working in this branch of science. The authors of the articles are responsible for the originality, objectivity and validity of the published materials. It is obligatory to check articles for the presence of borrowed material • oblige authors to provide a recommendation from an external reviewer; • oblige authors to provide the editorial board with a printout of "Antiplagiat"; the permissible level of borrowings should not exceed 20% (originality should not be less than 80%) • set the minimum number of citations for review articles - 20 sources, for developments - 10 sources.

Articles are published FREE OF CHARGE for all authors. Articles with deviations from these requirements will not be accepted.
Examples of formatting references to literature on a monograph (book)

1. Bryakin I.V. Magnetometric measuring instruments, control and technical diagnostics. - Bishkek: Ilim, 2012. - 212 p. To an article from the magazine

2. Velikanova L.I. Short-term forecast of flood and mudflow hazard in mountainous areas with regard to soil moisture // Problems of Automation and control. - 2016. - No. 1 (30). - S. 15–26.

3. Mirkin, EL State-feedback adaptive tracking of linear systems with input and state delays / BM Mirkin, EL Mirkin, P.–O. Gutman // International journal of adaptive control and signal processing. - 2009. - Vol. 23, N. 6. - P. 567-580.

On the report from the collection of proceedings of the conference

4. Presnyakov K.A., Kerimkulova G.K., Askalieva G.O. The Tejen river as an object of unconventional identification in the variants of the studied and partially studied watercourse // Fundamental and applied problems of science: Materials of the Kyrgyz section of the X International Symposium dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory. - M .: RAS, 2015. - P.37–45.

5. Hu B., Mann G., Gosine R. How to evaluate fuzzy PID controllers without using process information // Proc. of the 14-th World Congress IFAC. - Beijing, 1999. - P. 177-182.

On Internet documents

6. Zhetimekova G. Zh. Hybrid recognition model for invariant and variant images // Universum: technical sciences. 2015. No. 4-5 (17). URL: (date of access: 13.02.2017).

7. (date of access: 20.02.2017) For the dissertation abstract 8. Verzunov S.N. Development of the structure and algorithms for training polymorphic wavelet networks for processing non-stationary time series: Avtoref. dis. Cand. tech. sciences. - Bishkek, 2015 .-- 24 p.

For copyright certificates and patents

9. USSR author's certificate No. 1252745, Zamay V.I., Dobrovolskiy N.S. Method of notification of a catastrophic flood or village // Patent of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 1576. 2013. 20120046.1 Bul. No. 9 (174).

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • This material has not previously been published, nor has it been submitted for review and publication in another journal (or an explanation is given in the comments for the editor).
  • Recommended by an external reviewer.
  • There is a printout of "Anti-plagiarism"; the permissible level of borrowing does not exceed 20% (originality should not be less than 80%).
  • The minimum number of citations for review articles is 20 sources, for developments - 10 sources.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.