artificial immune system, synthesis of optimal control, MIMO system, clonal selection algorithm, negative selection algorithmAbstract
This article formulates the theoretical foundations for the synthesis of complex control systems using algorithms of artificial immune control systems for complex objects: the canonical clonal selection algorithm (CLONALG), the negative selection algorithm (NSA). A multidimensional multi-connected object is presented as a complex system, for which optimal control is synthesized based on algorithms of artificial immune systems. The problem of synthesis of optimal control of a complex object is posed, for the solution of which expressions of typical regulators and quadratic quality criteria are formed. In order to minimize the selected quality criteria, CLONALG and NSA search algorithms were applied. The theoretical foundations of the synthesis of a complex system are built, including the steps of synthesis of optimal control for isolated subsystems of a complex system, the inclusion of interconnections and the application of the decoupling procedure to take into account these interconnections.
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