
  • Breido I. Karaganda Technical University
  • Kaverin V. Karaganda Technical University
  • Em G. Karaganda Technical University
  • Ezhebaeva Sh.E. Karaganda Technical University


solar panels, overhead power lines, lightning cable, induced energy, disturbing factors, local systems, autonomous power sources.


A comparative analysis of electricity sources for powering local systems is performed. The results of experimental studies of the induced energy from current-carrying wires in the metal structural elements of the supports of HVOL are presented. Two variants of the structural schemes of autonomous power sources of local systems of the distributed diagnostic system have been developed.

Author Biographies

  • Breido I., Karaganda Technical University

    Breido Iosif W. was born in Kyrgyzstan, on March 21, 1947. He received the engineer degree in the Electrical Equipment of the Mining Industry from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute, Moscow, USSR, in 1971. He defended his candidate thesis in the specialty "Electrical Equipment of the Mining Industry" at the A. A. Skochinsky Institute of Mining, Moscow, USSR, in 1983. He received the academic title of "Senior Researcher" in the same specialty, in 1985. He received the academic title of Associate Professor with the Department of Automation, in 1991. He defended his doctoral dissertation on the specialty "Electrotechnical complexes and systems, including their management and regulation" at the Ural Mining and Geological Academy, Yekaterinburg, Russia, in 1996. The doctoral dissertation was re-certified in Kazakhstan, in 1998. He received the academic title of "Professor of Electrical Engineering", Karaganda Technical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan, in 1999. Academician of the National Academy of Natural Sciences of Kazakhstan, in 2009, the academician of the St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Engineering Academy, in 2017. Head of the international scientific and educational Internet project "Synergy", which involves the leading technical universities of the Russian Federation and the company TCI (Festo Group, Austria, Germany). President for Kazakhstan and member of the scientific committee of the international organization "DAAAM" (53 countries, headquarters in Vienna) and member of the program and organizational committees of foreign scientific conferences. Since 1988, working in Karaganda Technical University. He is currently the head of the Department with the Department of Automation of Production Processes. His research interests include automated electric drives of the mining and metallurgical complex, multi-motor electric drives, interconnected through the processed material or working body, distributed protection and diagnostic systems for overhead power lines, systems for remote monitoring of operating modes of electrical equipment of mining enterprises, protective equipment for mining electrical equipment, internet technologies in the system of higher technical education, and problems of higher education.
    Prof. Breido is the chief co-editor of the EAI journal, "Endured Transactions on Energy Web", which is part of the Scopus database. In 2019, he was included in the 1% of EAI members of the highest value of the EAI index among the entire EAI community. Responsible for the map in the direction of Energy from the University of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

  • Kaverin V., Karaganda Technical University

    Kaverin Vladimir V. received the engineer degree in Electrification and automation of mining operations from the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute (KarPTI), Karaganda, Kazakhstan. After graduating from the Institute, from 1980 to 1984, he worked in the Department of Electric drive at the Skochinsky State Research Institute, consistently holding the positions of engineer, junior researcher, research associate and senior researcher. In 1984, he entered the full-time graduate school of KarPTI. After graduating he worked as a senior lecturer. He defended his candidate (PhD) thesis for the degree Candidate of Technical Sciences in the Electrical complexes and systems, including their management and regulation at the Almaty Institute of Energy and Communications, Almaty, Kazakhstan, in 2001. He received the academic title of Associate Professor, in 2003. Since 2003, he has been working as an Associate Professor with the Department of Automation of Production Processes, Karaganda Technical University (KarTU). Karaganda Technical University. His research interests include controlled electric drive in the field, power converter semiconductor technology, and systems for diagnosing and predicting emergency situations on high-voltage overhead power lines.

  • Em G., Karaganda Technical University

    Em Gennadiy A. received the qualification Mining Electrical Engineer from the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute (KarPI), Karaganda, USSR, in 1990. He received a M.S. degree in Automation and Control from the Karaganda Technical University (KarTU), Karaganda, Kazakhstan, in 2018. In 1989-1996, worked as an engineer in a number of research and design institutes as electronics engineer and a design engineer of mining automation equipment. He has repeatedly participated in the electrical expertise on the fact of accidents at the mines of the Karaganda coal basin. From 1994 to the present, he is currently senior lecture in KarTU. Recent significant works: Breido, I., Kaverin, V., and Em, G, “The research of the adjustable electric drive of the direct current”, DAAAM International Scientific Book 2018, Vienna, Austria, pp. 211-226. G.A. Em, V.V. Kaverin, and E. D. Usova, “Workshop on Automation of Technological Complexes. Тutorial”, Karaganda State Technical University. – Karaganda: KSTU Publishing House, 2020, 60 p. Breido I., Voytkevich S., Kaverin V., and Em, G., “Alternative Sources of Supply for Stand-Alone Automation Devices on Supports High-Voltage Lines”, 26th DAAAM International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation (DAAAM 2015), Zadar, Croatia, vol. 1 of 2, 2016, pp. 775-780. His research interests include automation of technological processes and production, automated electric drive.
    Yezhebayeva Sholpan Ye. received B.S. and M.S. degree in Automation and Control from the Karaganda Technical University (KarTU), Karaganda, Kazakhstan, in 2012 and 2014. In 2019, she entered the PhD program in KarTU, respectively. She is working as an Assistant Teacher with with the Department of Automation of Production Processes, Karaganda Technical University (KarTU). Her research interests include programming and modeling technical processes in automation, remote monitoring systems for diagnosing and predicting emergency situations on high-voltage overhead power lines. She was the recipient of the Doctoral Student of the Year Award from the Karaganda Technical University in 2020


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