
  • Gaydamako V.V. Machinery researching Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic


облачные вычисления, облачные ИИС, балансировка нагрузки, Round Robin, Throttled Algorithm, Equally Spread Current Execution, Min-Min, Max-Min, бионические алгоритмы балансировки нагрузки, исчисление реального времени, моделирование.


Load balancing is critical to the performance of cloud computing. The purpose of balancing is the even use of computing resources - data centers, servers, virtual machines to ensure a high quality of service for user requests. Some of the load balancing algorithms, the conditions for their use, advantages and disadvantages are discussed in the article. It also considers the tasks that must be solved when developing a model of a cloud information and measurement system, taking into account load balancing.



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