renewable energy sources; autonomous distributed hybrid power complex; intelligent systems; wire break detection; diagnostic and control system; energy balance; electricity losses.Abstract
The paper proposes a methodology for designing intelligent systems for autonomous distributed hybrid energy complexes (ADHEC) that provide a minimum of energy consumed from the global (national) network and diesel power plants for power supply to regional household and/or industrial consumers by maximizing the useful use of energy generated from renewable energy sources in the ADHEC systems themselves, both in normal and emergency modes of their operation, that is, due to: accumulation of excess energy during its excess and return to consumers during a shortage; minimization of electrical energy losses by effective control of power flows circulating in ADHEC systems. The methodology includes the following stages (subtasks): development of the structure of a distributed hybrid system for generating and transporting electricity from sources to consumers; development of a system for diagnosing failures of generating units and wire breaks in sections of local electricity transmission networks and control, based on the results of diagnostics, power flows circulating in ADHEC systems, both in normal and emergency modes, in order to ensure power balance and minimize their losses.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Асанова С.М., Суеркулов С.М., Бакасова А.Б., Сатаркулов К., Асанов М.С.

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