
  • Korobko Ju.V. State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "School No. 2048"


artificial intelligence; physical education; teaching methodology; individual sessions.


Artificial intelligence (AI) is currently influencing every aspect of daily life, including education. It can provide significant support to students by predicting academic performance or the need for suspension. So far, research in the field of artificial intelligence is in its early stages, and therefore it is necessary to study how this field develops and increases its potential over time. Having explored AI in physical education (PE), we can suggest its potential use in sports applications and make changes to the concept of PE, ensuring its visualization and repeatability. Building on the concept of using AI in related fields, this paper highlights the principles of its use in PE and provides a focused, in-depth analysis of the areas of PE where AI can be applied to individual sessions, knowledge sharing, student assessment, and automated student counseling methods.


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