electromagnetic mechanism with permanent magnets, friction assembly, control electromagnet, anchor, return spring, braking torque.Abstract
A method is proposed for calculating electromagnetic mechanisms containing permanent magnets, which is used to create braking force and close the friction unit. The methodology includes the calculation of the parameters of the return spring, taking into account the spread in the current values of the control winding, due to the technological spread of the parameters of the permanent magnet and the dimensions of the magnetic circuit, instability of the mains voltage, as well as a change in the resistance of the winding due to its heating. It is shown that when calculating the electromagnetic drive, two tasks are solved in stages: the task of calculating the magnetomotive force (MMF), (synthesis task or “direct” task), and the task of calculating magnetic fluxes flowing through different sections of the magnetic circuit at known MMF values (analysis task or “inverse” problem). Accordingly, the calculation is divided into two stages: the search calculation a preliminary determination of the dimensions of the magnetic circuit and the winding data, and the specified calculation, the parameters of the permanent magnet and adjusting the geometric dimensions and winding data of the control electromagnet.
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Copyright (c) 2022 И.В. Бочкарев, М.Г. Гунина, Д.Н. Садыков, Б.К. Мусабеков

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