satellite images, remote sensing, land use and land cover, geospatial dataAbstract
The wide variety, complexity and quality of Earth remote sensing data continues to grow. The consumer of the finished processed data makes great demands on their quality, thereby complicating the work of developers to keep the service at the level at which this information is provided to the user. This gives rise to the search for the best methods of processing Earth remote sensing data. The purpose of this article is to develop a system for visualizing Earth remote sensing data by merging high-resolution satellite data with medium-resolution data for analysis and decision-making to identify changes in the soil and vegetation cover in Bishkek. The main objective of this work is to study and apply methods for processing and preparing Landsat TM 7 images for subsequent use. The preprocessing process consisted in filtering the data of remote sensing of the earth, using special programs.
To increase the resolution of the multispectral channel, a panchromatic channel with a resolution of 15 m was used by merging and successfully superimposing. This was done in order to increase the information content and the possibility of interpreting satellite images with medium resolution, available in the study area and free of use. Using statistical methods of classification was performed, followed by the allocation of the objects of interest in the image into buffer zones. As a result of the work on the preparation and processing of Earth remote sensing data, it became possible to obtain a visualization map of the green zones of Bishkek. the data obtained can be used to solve the problems of greening cities and increasing park areas.
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