acoustic-gravity waves, tsunami, cavitation, plasma-like environment.Abstract
The article explores a number of new wave phenomena as precursors of tsunamis and underwater earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. It is shown that IS-waves at infrasound frequencies and FGSS-waves (Free Gravity waves excited in the ocean by Seismic Surface waves) are a particular case of acoustic-gravity waves propagating in an underwater sound channel. An earthquake generates ultrasound causing H2O cavitation at a frequency of 22 kHz, which leads to saturation with atomic hydrogen and an increase in pH along the tsunami path, so the ocean path becomes a plasma-like environment. The studied waves cause diffraction in an acoustic waveguide, where the width of the river bed is commensurate with the wavelength of the main harmonic of infrasound. Consequently, at the mouth of the river, a diffraction pattern appears in the form of a sinx/x function, and this is the first remarkable limit and the possibility of describing it by a soliton, which generally makes it possible to study these natural phenomena with the equations of mathematical physics and models of complex systems.
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