autonomous distributed hybrid energy complex; renewable energy sources; reliability; energy balance; battery; power; physical feasibility of the management process.Abstract
The paper resolves specific issues envisaged in the design methodology of intelligent autonomous distributed hybrid power complexes (ADHPC) with RES and energy storage, functioning in grid mode and in interaction with the global (national) grid (GG), and which, depending on the shortage or excess of energy in them, can operate relative to the GG, respectively, as a load or a power source, as follows:
- A meaningful formulation of the problem of managing the energy balance in the ADHPC system, as the task of maintaining the current power consumption by consumers in the vicinity of the required nominal power at each time t is formulated;
- Based on the analysis of the energy balance management process in the ADHPC, the choice and justification of the structure of the system of accumulation and distribution of power flows (ADPF) from the position of ensuring the physical feasibility of the energy balance management process in it, as well as the process of coordinating the modes of interaction between the ADHPC and GG. This is achieved by including in the ADPF system a capacitor connected to its assembly and distribution bus, and a storage battery (accumulator battery ) with a two-level (ACB1, ACB2) structure, with ACB1 of level 1 - to control the power balance in ADPF under normal ADHPC mode and changes in RES and consumption capacities within their confidence intervals estimated at the design stage; ACB2 of level 2 - to coordinate ADHPC and GG operation modes and to control, together with ACB1 of level 1, GG, diesel generator, the power balance in ADHPC under emergency ADHPC mode and when RES and consumption capacities go beyond their confidence intervals.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Салима Муратовна Асанова, Семетей Манасович Суеркулов, Дамира Улановна Асанова, Роза Жумашевна Самсалиева, Рамис Вагизович Булатов
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