искусственный интеллект, машинное обучение, геоэкологический мониторинг, интеллектуальная система, датчики, автоматическая интерпретация данных, оптимизация, обнаружение аномалий, интерфейсные подсистемы, управление вводом/выводом данных, управление устройствами, пользовательский интерфейс, интеграция с другими системами.Abstract
This paper analyzes the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the field of geoecological monitoring. The various benefits of applying artificial intelligence are discussed, including data analysis, sensor design optimization, data detection and classification, and data anomaly detection. The paper analyzes the key functions of various subsystems, including data input / output management, devices, providing a user interface and data analysis. These functions are important for the effective interaction of the system with users and other components of the geoecological monitoring system, external databases and other monitoring systems. The concept of an intelligent system for geoecological monitoring is considered as an important tool for improving the quality of the analysis of geoecological processes and helping to solve urgent environmental problems. Ultimately, the introduction and use of intelligent monitoring systems can significantly contribute to more sustainable development and the achievement of environmental safety.
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