automation; power losses; power quality; power supply system; experimental setup with ASNI elements; calorimeter; modelingAbstract
The article offers a description of an experimental installation with the ability to control the quality of electricity. This capability allows one to assess the impact of quality on power losses using a physical model of the elements of the power grid. In addition, a method for measuring electricity losses in such network elements is considered. The substantiation is given about the possibility of using a diode for a model representation of an air gap (phase - earth), in the event of a short circuit of the damaged phase with the ground. As an example, a solution to the problem of modeling a group electrical load is considered, in accordance with which the loads are programmatically controlled (connected or disconnected) using the CAMAC functional module. The initial data for modeling individual load and group curves, as the sum of individual ones, are: the number of electrical receivers (ES); rated power of these electric drives; the minimum and maximum durations of continuous operation of each electric drive between pauses and the laws of distribution of these random variables; minimum and maximum duration of EP pauses and laws of their distribution; total simulation duration. The block diagram of the modeling algorithm is presented. It is noted that the experimental setup can be used to test the degree of adequacy of mathematical models, with the help of which the influence of power quality on losses in network elements is investigated.
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