bioenergy complex, turbine mechanism in the form of a pump or fan, frequency converter, vector control, structural diagram, imitation computer model.Abstract
The structure of a bioenergy complex for anaerobic processing of organic waste is considered. It is shown that the complex consists of several heterogeneous structural components, which require various auxiliary electromechanical equipment in the form of turbine mechanisms (pumps and fans), which ensures the movement of both the initial biomass and the final product in the form of biogas and fertilizers. Obviously, according to the operating conditions of the BC, periodic regulation of the output parameters of the TM is required, and it is most economical to do this by regulating the speed of rotation of the TM by regulating their drive electric motors, which are mainly used as asynchronous motors (AM). The frequency of rotation of the IM is most expedient to regulate by using frequency converters (FC). Analysis of possible operating modes of TM BC showed that vector control systems are better suited for these purposes. For the convenience of analysis and research of the BK electric drive, structural and corresponding simulation models of the «FC –AM – TM» system with vector control have been developed.
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